Copyright 2024 Dial Instruments Pte Ltd
Resistive level measurement LR52

Resistive level measurement LR52


Product Description


Pressure vessels or chemical tanks such as hydraulic acid or sulfuric acid.


  • Insensitive to process conditions such as pressure, temperature and specific gravity.
  • Various wetted parts material to choose from for specific application
  • Versatile and easy-to-use controller. (MP2000)
  • Analogue output (2 wire, 4 to 20mA DC) available as standard.

Principle of Operation

Principle of Operation

LR is comprised of a float and a stem. The float has a magnet inside. The stem incorporates a circuit board with reed switches and resistors placed at regular intervals.

For a rising level, float location and reed switches in operation change as shown in Fig.1, from A(2 switches in operation) to B (3 switches in operation), and then to C (2 switches in operation). For a falling level, from C to B, then to A.
This means that the combined resistance changes as the float rises or falls. When a constant current is applied to terminals 1 and 2 in Fig.2, a voltage proportional to the combined resistance is gained on these terminals.
Copyright 2024 Dial Instruments Pte Ltd